+ did you write the music first and tailor it to this project?+ are "ambergris march" and "cetacea" related in some way? musically they seem to share a common time signature, but is "cetacea" meant to be some sort of reprise of the "march" for the latter part of the soundtrack? also, i haven't heard much of your word on it, how did the song "cetacea" come about? good day!+ What softwares did you primarily use for ideas before going into the studio? i.e. powerbook and mic work? Also can you also reveal more about the backing to Desired Constellation?+ We can see on the DVD Medulla that there is a little documentary explaining the realisation of Medulla... How did you deal with the cameras and interviews during all this time ? And how did you approche this project ?+ Did sjón write the lyrics that kelis sings in the oceania remix? And, do you think you will work with Kelis on more songs?+ I saw you live last summer and it seems that there's continuity between the visuals that you presented live last year and the "Oceania" video. Although the music is in a very distinct direction your visual support "isn't completely new". Am I right?!+ Your artwork is always very unusual and interesting and as a designer myself i have always looked forward to seeing the sleeves/packaging. medulla and homegenic sleeves are particular favourites. Do you usually come up with the concept/ideas/packaging and contact designers in a similar way to the way you work with music collaborators?+ I'd like to know if ....... how many influence had Matthew Barney's art (I know his work very well including cremaster cycle saw in Florence) in your last work? is for that casue now you're talking about music-art? (even if I consider your past works pure art, maybe more than medulla..... ) thanks. ciao.+ How did you approach writing the choral arrangements on the new album?? are you classically trained in ´music theory´or do you comose mainly by using your wonderful ears? -kristopher+ i wonder why did you invite the yeah yeah yeahs for a opening act ?? i like them but i think that they do not make part of your usual electronic opnings acts ?? so it was for their wild perfomances ???+ do you have any structure when it comes to creating a song?, you have been making songs for many years, do you think that you got to the point where you can say, "i discovered a structure that i use it in every song", does it change?, is there anything that continues, every time?+ do you still have that big tooth from the Regina video? considering mouth's cradle and all...+ In Medulla you sing one of E.Cummings poems, about how he imagines his partner being intimate with someone else so much so that it over whelms him and he leaves her. What was it that made you choose this poem in particular?+ You once said you make music for everyone to listen to, and not only to a selected group of people. And that's amazing, 'coz rockers would only make music to people who are into rock and teen pop bands would only make music to teenagers and so on... But are you aware that with Medúlla only people who are into experementalism and acappella style of music will fully enjoy your album? I'm sure a lot of people who can't understand music, or most specifically your music and the challenging ideas behind it, will only get like 30% of your album... What's your opinion about this? [Dhan, from Brazil]+ Hi! I'm going to be 30 years old next December and I want to make a course of Electronic music next october but sometimes I think I'm old to have succsses in it. People seems to look for only young singers or compositors... I think you were at about 30 years when u made "debut" and I just want to know how u think about to start a carrer alone beeng 30 or older. I hope u understand my question cos I think in spanish and I try to translate to my bad English. Also I lisent Medúlla and I want to know (tipical question, but, for me is interesting) wich is the song that represents all the esence u want to show in Medúlla. Thanks.+ Hi Bjork! I have been immersing myself in Medulla since I bought DVD version with documentary. There is always so much going on in your music, repeated listening is essential, but initial impression is extremely favourable. I find it very amusing that 2 of your songs are in gibberish - I can imagine many ignorant foreigners like me thinking they were very profound lyrics. For what it is worth I also enjoy hearing you sing and speak (in the documentary) in Icelandic. I think you said you enjoy it more, so I think you should do it as much as you want - so long as I have a translation I'll be quite happy. The other thing I found amusing was that you were "pissing" yourself laughing at your attempts to write lyrics for an Olympic song. (Incidentally, that was a superb surprise to see you at the opening Ceremony.) I'm not joking when I say maybe you should record that for future projects - as you no doubt realise, our bodies make all sorts of interesting sounds in addition to vocal ones. Finally, for the moment at least, you indicated you didn't like people saying they loved you as they don't know you and you can be "a real bastard" sometimes - a fair point, although I find it very hard to think of you doing anything nasty. Meanwhile, as I don't drink myself, I'd be happy to drive you to your hotel or wherever after you've got drunk next time you are in Scotland. I think it would be fascinating to be with you when you are relaxing with friends. All the best to you and your family. PS: Stunning photograph for Medulla - I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable in that outfit!+ Some songs are really experimental and featuring just your looped and layered voice, what was the idea or concept behind those? And did you ever consider implementing the technique of LiveLooping in your shows?+ "Where Is The Line" sounds like it is inspired by a person or event, sort of like "Army Of Me". Any story behind it?+ Medúlla will be majorly a capella, to the delight of a multitude of amateur remixers. What is your stance on remixes these days?+ was your firm intention to keep the preparation of this album under such veil of secrecy? very little has been said so far (relatively speaking) about Medulla, considering that we have really gotten close to its release date? i'm trying to compare the situation with previous albums... (although i admit, i like this low-key thing...)+ Would you translate all the vocal blips and beats found in Medulla into actual instruments for a live show, have them recorded on a mixer, or actually have the beatboxers right there?+ hAVE YOU EVR CONSIDERED, HAVING PERFORMANCE ARTIST AS A PROP DANCING ALONG WITH YOU, OR DO YOU PREFER TO BE THE ONLY PERFECT THING ON STAGE?+ Since you have said that your album was inspired by paganistic qualities, do you believe in that religion or is it a curiosity/strong interest?+ How did you go about finding this Dokaka character? Did you "Google" him?+ Hi Bjork! If you had to pick one person, who has made the most inpact and influence on how Medulla is going to be, except yourself? Who has inspired the most? All the best, A.+ have you decided if you'll be shooting videos and/or touring to promote this album?+ for the past 10 years you have pretty much been the sole vocalist / musician among non vocalist / musicians. now on medulla you are working with other vocalists. what was this experience like for you? -francesco+ Will you be putting 'Who Is It' on the new album?+ The song you created for the Hot Chocolate dvd -- Synchronicity -- will that song be released on a future album?+ What artists do you find yourself listening to these days?+ You have included a few songs in Icelandic on the album -- are you weary of them not being as accessible to the general pop-consumer?+ What kind of venues do Medulla's songs belong to? You have experience of both small intimate clubs, festival scenes, churches and large delicious operahouses.+ You have worked with Dokaka on Medúlla, and his own material kicks ass! But while they bring so much joy, it's hard to take them seriously. How will his input on your music influence the songs?+ How do YOU pronounce Medúlla? similar to the way you say "abdullah" or "nebula" or...?+ If you could describe the styles encompassing this album, what would they be?+ Has "Where is the line" experienced some sort of resurrection while making a studio version of it? Did that song have to go though some drastic changes in production to become a suitable chapter in the Medulla character?+ Since you decided to limit yourself to voices-only on Medúlla, did you find yourself getting tons and tons of ideas for songs that would have instruments? Is this what makes you want to do two albums in a row?+ How did you come up with the name Medulla for your album?+ What roles did Mark Bell and Matmos play on the new album?+ "I just got really bored with instruments. I started doing everything with my voice" Do you not see a person's voice as an instrument?+ Since you've said that you find it hard to look back on older material and would like to focus on new songs, do you think that this tour would be the last time you play most of the songs that you did?+ You use your breath as an proper instrument both live and in concert -- where did you get your lungs? And do you do anything to keep them in shape (exercise)?+ Have you ever considered doing a Vegas show? You could have some muscular guys in blue sparkles,looking like walking icicles, carry you out on stage.How about opening the show with Hunter. You could have trained polar bears dancing in the background while you, dripping in diamonds sing with a snowy owl on your wrist. Joga would look great with some topless,red dayglo latex covered dancers leaping out of a volcano. I think the finale could be Bachelorette.I can see you surrounded by sulphur crested cockatoos that drink Hawaiian punch that spurts out of your plastic dress.Then during the final chorus have an animatronic killer whale pop up through the stage floor which will catapult you into the air,you then do a triple twist and land into the arms of the sparkling muscle men.You might need some help with wires for the last part.+ Do Greatist Hits and Familly Tree complement eachother in an puzzelly artisct way?+ How long in advance do you create a setlist for a show you're performing that night, and how do you decide which songs you want to play?+ Where the heck do you get all that darn energy?!+ Were you ever nervous having the flames shooting up from the stage?+ Did you take time to tour the cities you visited, or was it work work work the whole time?+ Did you do your own make-up, or did you have a stylist?+ I think it was Neil Young who once said he doesn't like playing new, unreleased material live anymore because it always gets bootlegged. He feels that playing a show is an intimate thing between him and the public and he doesn't like people who weren't there to listen to it out of context. What inspired you to play 4 new songs?+ do you do any ritual or something to prepare yourself for the show?+ How did you get introduced to Bonnie Prince Billy? Did you just pick up one of his albums one day or was he recomended to you by a friend/associate?+ As your fans grow in number, it seems that the venues you play get larger too! Do you plan to get back to playing smaller venues?+ Do you ever listen to your own performances after concerts?+ Are you always so distanced, removed and 'professional' while performing live?+ What inspired you to play Siðasta Ég on this tour?+ Why was there not a screen for the Lynn Fox videos at some concerts?+ How did you choose what you were going to wear each night?+ What inspired your radical new haircut :)+ How did you feel about Leila not being let into the US?, and how did that affect the setlist?+ How often did you rehearse between shows, if at all?+ Do you prefer singing in Icelandic or in English?+ Do you get nervous before you go on stage?+ Did the weather ever get in the way of your performance?+ How many of the gigs were recorded, and will there be a future dvd release?+ Will you use any of the video backdrops for your future tours? (or maybe a dvd release?????)+ Did you ever watch the opening act from backstage?+ Were you disappointed in any of your opening acts?+ how do you chose from all your songs what to play live?+ what do you try to achive with your live performance?+ what is the significance of using pyrotechnics in your concert?+ How did you enjoy performing with the Icelandic String Octet again?+ Was it hard having a different setlist every night? Did you ever mess up and think a different song was coming next?+ Why was Mouth's Cradle performed only twice, and were the venues it was played at lined up ahead of time?+ What was your favorite song to perform live?+ Why did you choose Bonnie Prince Billy as your opener?+ How do you, personally, feel about the no camera policy at your concerts?+ Do you like it when fans sing along to your songs?+ Do you notice people in the audience at all, or do you just focus on singing?+ Do you read all the gigography reviews?+ Did you perform in any languages other than english and icelandic depending on what country you were in?